Thursday, 31 May 2012

Gathering Information

Using the internet in your computer to helps you gather most of the information you need. The internet holds a vast amount of information. You can search for almost all the information you need without leaving your home. Doing your research on anything you want becomes so much easier with access to the internet. With the amount of information in the internet sometimes you wouldn't know which information is accurate and which information is more useful for you. Also, there are a lot of places you get information in the internet that can mislead you at time such as forums and Wikipedia. Being able to access the internet is one of the greatest weapon you have when writing. 


Guffey,M.E & Rhodes, K & Rogin P. (2011). Business Communication: Process and Product (6th ed.) Toronto, ON: Nelson

Jobmatch (2010, August 10). How Big is the Internet? [Video File]. Retrieve from

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Preventing Writers' Block

Word processor helps us prevent writers' block. Word is a computer software created by Microsoft Corporation. This software gives us the ability to type out the ideas we have to our computer. Jotting down notes will help you recover from having writers' block. When you jot down notes you can see your ideas in the screen of a computer and find more ideas that can help to expand it. Also you can connect the ideas you write when you see it. Seeing your ideas can help you make sense of things. Also, you can eliminate the ideas that doesn't make sense and make things flow. Having this technology you can prevent your writers' block and continue writing in your hearts content. 


Tice, C. (2011, 04). 20 Ways to Kill Your Writer's Block Forever. Retrieved 05 21, 2012, from

Guffey,M.E & Rhodes, K & Rogin P. (2011). Business Communication: Process and Product (6th ed.) Toronto, ON: Nelson

Friday, 18 May 2012


Hi, everyone I will be blogging about ways computers can help you with our writing, presentation and other things we do.